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Study In Germany

Study In Germany


Germany is an attractive place to study and German university degrees are highly respected by employers worldwide. Germany is one of the major hub of Engineering and Automobile studies. It is politically safe and welcoming country. The cost of living in Germany is reasonable as compared to the other countries in Europe. The country has good employment rates and has Europe’s highest economy. If you choose to study in Germany, you will be learning about the latest technological advances and trends in your particular subject.

Germany has abolished tuition fees for undergraduate & post graduate students in most of the public German universities. Which means both domestic and international students at public universities in Germany can study for free, with just a small fee to cover administration and other costs per semester.

Tuition free education in the public universities of Germany is the number one reason of studying there. German degrees are known for quality and are immensely valued in the job market. The German visa is valid for 27 Schengen countries including Austria, Denmark, France and others.

List of universities

  • Schiller International University
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Technical University of Berlin
  • University of Hagen
  • RWTH Achen University
  • International Academy of Students
  • New European College
  • Cologne Business School
  • Hochschule Bremen – University of Applied Sciences
  • International School of Management
  • Eurasia Institute
  • GISMA Business School
  • IAS International Academy of Students, Lübeck

Study In Germany

  • Public Universities offers free of cost Education.
  • 1 year work permit.
  • 20 hr/week part time job.
  • A proper internship
  • Educational quality of Germany is of extremely high standard.
  • Largest University System of Europe.
  • There is a range of subjects that the students can choose to study from literature to music and also sports.
  • A high degree of importance is placed on research as opposed to theoretic study
  • Students can form groups to study and subsequently present their papers, although group diplomas are not awarded.
  • Students are encouraged to apply for jobs, even when they are studying which makes them comfortable in the overall working conditions of the German work culture much before they take on their first true job.
  • Since the education system lays particular importance on research and practical aspects, there is overall encouragement to innovate and apply for patents more than anywhere else in the world.